Overlook of some Ancient Egyptian ruins I added for a battle sequence from Transformers 2
Aerial view of the Quarry where Devastator transforms, Iadded debris and detail to the quarry location.
During the opening of Transformers 3 a moon mission discovers a crashed alien ship. I painted ship detail and lighting onto a rough 3d render.
Another view of the crashed ship as the astronauts approach. In addition to adding in details and lighting to the ship, I added rock and ground detail to the environment using Nasa imagery.
Interior matte painting of Arc Nemesis. this was reprojected back onto the mesh geometry. Since we were on a tight deadline for this shot, I used parts from the hero robots themselves to build the environment, detailing it all over a weekend.
Establishing shot of Chernobyl. This was shot at a location near Chicago, I added signage to the buildings, the Chernobyl reactor building, distant soviet style structures, trucks, buildings and trees.
Interior Chernobyl concept development.
My final Chernobyl reactor concept.
Combining models from the ILM library with custom geometry I dressed the shot to match the minimal set footage.
Render of the scene with lighting and minimal textures
Matte painting of the Chernobyl environment. Each seperate layer was projected back onto the mesh geometry in ILM's proprietary software Zeno.