Star Tours station docking bay concept
render of the docking bay, the final environment used photos from Nasa and hand painted elements.
Still from the final shot
Mon Calamari concept design
Docking bay model, lighting and texturing was done by Ryan Jones.
Still from the ride
Another still from the Mon Calamari docking bay in the final ride film.
Death Star docking bay model based on set photos matte paintings and original concept art.
First pass texture and lighting before hand off.
Still from the final ride film, texturing, lighting and additional props/models by Ryan Jones.
Another view of the Death Star docking bay
View looking over Kashyyk, this is a 3d projected matte painting with full 3d trees and layered clouds.
Interior Slave1 mode based on set pictures provided by John Knoll.
Matte painting of the interior, since there wasn't a lot of confidence in full 3d renders I used photos and hand painted details.