Final Homeworld render, the waterfall was animated with a scrolling texture, as was the river, with a light map used to meld them with the scene.
Homeworld panorama. I wanted to add blowing leaves, a kite in the backgound, camp fire aras and perhaps a tent. Paper boats could deliver messages from other homeworld users and the Play badge beckons users to explore the cave.
Early papercraft ideas, the control surfaces would rise out of the environment and morph based on input from the user.
Other ideas exploring the Google colors and a darker and the space around the user.
What would material design be like in VR and could there be 3d components like 2d components.
Paper cutout ideas. I wanted to leverage a lot of light and the Google colors to create a mood for the user.
Taking the papercraft ideas and fleshing out a kind of sparse savannah.
Playing with items of interest and timne of day.
Looking at ways to transport the user to different locations.
Exploring natural scenes, since the environment would need to be rendered on a phone I broke down the details to more simplistic shapes while mainting the naturalistic lighting.
Exploring the idea of homes in exotic locations, perhaps what it would look like if Tony Stark could build his home on the edge of a Volcano.
I really like the idea of desert landscapes, quiet with the wind gently blowing through. Again the forms simplified to polygonal shapes.
A polar retreat. The ideas was that penguins and seals would populate the world and provide opportunities for interaction and research.
Developing from those landscapes, looking to add moments and interactions for the user. The colored chips on the ground would animate gently on to lead the eye around the scene.
A sand ship that can gently take the user to another part of the scene.
Expanding the desert scene to show different parts of the landscape, a nice oasis to refresh the traveler.
An underwater environment, I loved the idea of a underwater world, fish swimming slowly around and a personal sub that takes the user to other parts of the reef. Underwater scenes can scare some people though.
Ultimately I decided a forest would be the best route, something light and inviting, but still with opportunities to add life and movement through the scene.
Here a distant tower to explore.
in this concept a flying dragon leads the viewer to a distant hill, perhaps to find some treasure or hop on for a ride.
Moments could be hidden away to be discovered.
An early cavern exploration
More cavern ideas, lights and colors guide the user through the environment and help illuminate an otherwise dark space.
Creatures could bring life to the world, or act as guides or spirit animals for the user.
These creatures could also be part of the landscape or transform out of it. And assistant to guide you through the world.
A path through trees leads you to a hilltop with standing stones, colorful lanterns could be a key to addtional content or reveal messages from friends and family.
A cave was chosen for the Play Store as I felt the darker environment would work better with bright store imagery
The final Play Cavern scrolling textures for the water and waterfall and dust motes in the light beams helped bring life to the scene. The gems emitted magical particle sparks that I had animated due to the limitations of the engine.
Homeworld I imagined as something that would change based on seasons and time of day, I developed this nightime version that would transition in after dark but it never made it in.
I wanted homeworld to be customizable. rolling out different environments over time to appeal to different users tastes. Here, a mountain scape inspired by the Dolomites.
A quiet lakeside scene at sunset. Nice place for a campfire with a gentle waterfall behind the users pov.
Daydream was featued in the Google pop up stores in New York and London, I helped render a huge several foot long version of homeworld that was mounted in the store.
Another view of the installation, the agency even made physical trees and rocks.