Matte paintings and environments

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

When I was offered the opportunity to join ILM and work on the latest chapter of the Indiana Jones saga, I jumped at the chance. Working at ILM had been a dream of mine since seeing Star Wars as a child and Raiders of the lost Ark still is one of my favorite films. I had a blast working on the project and was given a variety of shots to complete, from the temple sequence at Akator to a cliff environment for a fight sequence. 
I even comped two simple shots on of the temple and another of a sunrise. There was no complex roto or color correction needed and they were finalled in their first review, I really loved the all hands on deck style at ILM.

Learning the proprietary ILM matte tools in Zeno was a revelation (Interactive projections in real time back then was almost unheard of) and working with some of the best artists and matte painters in the world was a truly amazing experience.

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