Sky panoramas, Digital matte paintings and 3d environments

Battleship (2012)

For this SciFi action film based on the classic board game I created several 360 degree sky panoramas, massaging photographic elements and hand painted clouds in Photoshop over sky renders from E-on's Vue software. To guide the compositing team I combined sky renders, ship footage and the 3d ship renders to create several concepts. I also completed several one-off projection shots to establish the Hawaiian island setting. 

Toward the end of the project, the studio added interior shots of the Alien mothership, I designed, modeled and rendered the interior basing my design on concept art from the studio art department. To add life to the shots, I ran dynamic simulations of debris and designed screen effects for the Alien control systems rendering them as a separate pass. I rendered volume lighting passes for the compositing team, who did an amazing job of combining everything with water simulations, the alien crew, sparks, smoke schmutz and lots of camera shake for a convincing dynamic environment.

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